Granite Ref #9

Grey Corvaceira

Compreession breaking load 1915 kg/cm2
Bending strenght 129 kg/cm2
Water Absorption AT N.P. Conditions 0.3%

Granite of clear grey colour, of two micas and of granulated medium and homogeneous.

Resistance to the aging through thermal shock

After having been submited to the 20 cycles praised by the norm, occurred, in all the test tubes, a fast lost of material in some small crystais of plagioclase zoned. The lost of mass was, in average, 0,005%.


Petrography study

Granite of two micas and granulated medium (2 to 3mm); it presents homogeneous texture in sample oh hand, with one very fast porfiroide trend, coming from the matrix some megacristais of fieldspato of reduced dimension (up to 5x mm). Unchanged granite, with cinereous coloration - whitish.


Resistance to ice

At the end of the 240 cycles of ice-thawing, occured, in all the test tubes, a fast lost of material in some of small crystais of plagioclase zoned. The decrease in the volume was not insignificant. The fast increment in the value of the resistance to the flexion corroborates the not iced behaviour of the rock.


Note: Images may not represent 100% physical stone.

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